....virile, passionate, brooding, combustible and, when necessary, tender. More important, it held together with an architectural logic that made this lengthy piece sound like a single, urgently expressed thought".
Washington Post
With sensual sound and total dedication the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under the sovereign direction of James Judd made a wonderful case for this magnificent work, its painful beauty and beautiful pain.
Die Presse : Elgar 'The Dream of Gerontius'
On ne peut qu'admirer la précision mathématique, quasi miraculeuse, du chef d'orchestre britannique James Judd : pas un décalage dans les rangs, choraux ou instrumentaux, pas un raté dans les enchaînements avec la musique enregistrée.
Le Monde
James Judd seems to have this music in his veins, and the New Zealand orchestra nicely balances energy and intimate elegance.'
Dallas Morning News
Die Entscheidung, James Judd am Pult des Konzerthausorchesters mit der Begleitung dieser drei Konzerte zu betrauen, war goldrichtig. Er ist ein erfahrer, uneitler Dirigent, der es nicht nötig hat, sein Ego zu pflegen.
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
James Judd created a dawn-to-dusk life experience out of Richard Strauss's Thus Spake Zarathustra...
New Zealand Herald
British conductor James Judd drew out a beautiful and articulate account that emphasized detail and transparency of texture over richness and shimmer."
Washington Post
Elgar is meat and drink for James Judd. And he drew from the players some superbly rich and dynamic playing.
Dirigent James Judd als sprühender Motivator"
Aargauer Zeitung

James Judd and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic are spot-on playing their part, with sensitive accompanying along the way, shimmering strings in the Saint-Saëns, chamber-music style answering by the wind, warmth in the Ravel, and all with that magic touch of spontaneity.
In Respighi's musical evocation of pine-filled Roman sites, Judd wasn't about to let one note slip past without recharging its original [potential: the whole piece struck me as more brilliant and inventive than ever, and just plain irresistible. "
Baltimore Sun
The players sounded absolutely on top of the piece, and Judd's astute conducting charted its structure with a sure touch"
The Guardian
Judd has triumphantly exorcised the ghost of Bernstein the conductor of classic recordings to the greater glory of Bernstein the composer of classical music."
Classics Today
...director británico que sobresa- le por su apasionada musicalidad y su carismática
Once again I'm impressed by the ardour and sheen displayed by the NZSO, to say nothing of James Judd's elegant and purposeful direction."
Judd was in his element, relentlessly displaying the virtuosity of his players..."
New Zealand Herald
James Judd worked a miracle with the elusive canvas of Mahler's Seventh Symphony.. "
Miami Herald
British conductor James Judd, just finishing his first season as Chief Conductor of the Slovak Philharmonic, showed a remarkable grasp of the piece and superb skills in holding together a high-volume assault that threatened to fly apart at any moment. The musicians sounded like they were playing not just from their hearts, but from their very DNA.
Slovak Spectator
un orchestre incandescent, fermement soutenu par un Orchestre philharmonique royal de Liverpool survolté sous la baguette de James Judd, enflamme la partition que l’on voudrait sans fin.
Jean-Luc Carone